Monday 9 September 2013

September Goals.

I thinks goals are something that's very important if you have something you want/need to achieve. I have recently graduated as an Occupational Therapist, a profession that views goal setting as a vital part of the therapeutic process. How do we know if our treatment is benefiting clients if we haven't worked with them to set goals and monitor their progress? Goals give us something to work towards, a target to guide our journey and provide us with some motivation.

I have never set fitness goals before, but this month I have decided that if I want to continue making progress then I need something to work towards. I do have a tendency to be a bit ambitious, so I'm going to try strive towards my goals and review at the end of the month how close I am to reaching them. My issue is that I'm in uncharted territory at the moment, I've never done 1RM testing (that's this weeks plan) and I'm pushing for PBs everytime I work out because I've still not discovered where my limits are. So we will see how we get on and I will update my progress at the end of the month. Please, if you stop by feel free to share your goals and we can push each other towards them together.

So here are my goals:

1. Snatch 40kgs 
2. Clean & Jerk 55kgs 
3. Deadlift 85kgs
4. Back Squat 70kgs
5. 1x Strict Pull Up
6. 2x Kipping Pull Up
7. Front Squat 60kgs
8. Rx as much as possible!!

Photo Credit

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